5 degrees and rising

The first real signs of a change in the seasons today!

5 degrees had it 7 degrees cooler than yesterday as I stumbled into the kitchen at 6am this morning. With a fine forecast set for the day, the promise of one of those lovely September breakfast rides was very much on the cards…

Crisp blue skies, golden sunlight and the first donning of a bobble hat and winter gloves!

7.30am at the White House (boating club) on the Bridgewater Canal at Stretford was the spot. Myself, Steve, Kev and (the lesser seen) Adam made for a solid group.

The goal?

Up the river (TPT) to Stockport for breakfast and multiple beverages, what more could you possibly want?!!

The rewards for enduring an early, chilly start are numerous… Empty trails, amazing colour from the September sun and an atmosphere unique to Sunday mornings to name a few.

After a good collective catch up and a nicely paced river run, we rolled up to our chosen breakfast spot a little early. No rush! We all chatted some more in the sun drenched square, and before we knew it the cafe was opened!

Al fresco dining, in what was now becoming a welcoming warm sun, was a pure delight!

Great company, great food (with beans served the Jason way!)


During the course of various conversation avenues, an alternative route back was agreed upon…

Through Reddish Vale via the trails…

And hopefully to join up with the Fallowfield loop! A welcome change from the norm, and a great way to ferry Kev to his lunch date in the City.

A brief sit down to enjoy the peace and quiet of Platt Fields park, and then a glide into the (still quiet) streets of the City Centre. Bidding farewell to Kev at this point we made our way to Harry Halls Cycles to say hi to Andy and young Jack (Steve’s son)

Adam peeled off shortly after, and then it was just Steve and I. Rolling steadily down the canal, as we have a million times before…

Heading homeward, with batteries recharged and with another splendid #grassupthemiddle outing to add to the list.

This morning was wonderful, simply wonderful… A 5 hour reminder that there is much to be grateful for in this world :-)

Words and pictures - Paul Rance