Big issue

Jesus it was hard work getting out this morning!

Up at 6, as usual, so timing wasn’t the issue…

I made coffee, meditated (yes you heard me!) fussed and fed one of the cats. Smurf and I share these early mornings more often than not and we’ve developed a nice understanding over the years… Both being quiet, solitary characters we pleasantly exchange our greetings and leave each other be.

I wasn’t able to make concrete plans with any of the gang today, as I’d promised Justine (my partner) that she had priority. It was going to have to be an early one, or an afternoon outing. I didn’t like the look of the forecast for the second half of the day and as I’m always up at stupid o’clock I opted for an A.M departure.

When I know I’m riding solo I do have a tendency to procrastinate, but that wasn’t really the issue either…

The weather was a bit meh, but that too, wasn’t that big of a deal…

With no need to rush and not a huge amount of motivation I got the bike ready, got myself ready, brushed my remaining teeth :-D and headed out.

Without direction I managed fairly well to make my way to the end of the road. I really didn’t know where to ride? And still couldn’t actually decide if I wanted to at all?!

Feeling restless I slowly kept turning the pedals regardless, and by the time I reached the trail at Stretford I’d made a loose decision…

I’d head for the River Mersey. I’ve been reading ‘Notes from Walnut Tree Farm’ by Roger Deakin recently (which is wonderful btw) and I think my subconscious was heading for some trees…

I think by trying to solve the riddle of where to ride/what to do/where has my motivation gone this morning, I was somehow working on the bigger issue in the background. The whole Microcosm/Macrocosm thing, make any sense?!!

Blessed by the hour, I had what I really needed straight away… Peace and solitude.

I am very lucky to live so near to such a large expanse of green. The River Mersey, Bridgewater Canal, Sale and Chorlton Water Parks and the surrounding area means great escape is pretty much on my doorstep! It’s not the ‘Wild’ and it’s not the glorious, quintessential English countryside, but it contains all that’s good about the above places in small form. All the things that do us good.

I spent 20 minutes or so with the local dead, then headed through the first batch of trees towards the river.