And so, the season begins

The Boss is back!

It’s great to see him again, fresh from another trip to New Zealand and full of stories to tell.

Welcoming him back to the fold this morning…

Myself, Tom and Neil met at the usual spot by the canal and got a nice surprise as we were able to meet Steve’s future son-in-law Will (over in the UK for a few weeks)

After introductions and a bit of light banter it was off down the canal to see where the morning wanted to take us. Within minutes it was business as usual, as if Steve had never been away. Bumbling along at a leisurely pace, all caught up in respective conversation and enjoying the sensation of being out on familiar lanes after a long Winter. The weather wasn’t exactly fabulous but by god, it felt good to be out!

Whether he likes it or not Steve is the linchpin of our ragtag club and he has been missed. His return brings about the beginning of a new season…

A new season of better weather, a new season of riding and adventures to come…

I’ve been looking back at Instagram posts from the #grassupthemiddle gang and extended family over the last few weeks as well as reading back through the blog and we’ve built up a fine collection of great memories over the past few years.

For myself, I’m left with the feeling of ‘quality not quantity’ throughout. I may not get out on the bike as much as I’d like, but whenever I do it’s always thoroughly enjoyed. Who knows what this year will bring, but I can bet there’ll be a few chippy rides, dusty trails, and plenty of grass up the middle!

Words - Paul Rance Pictures - Steve Makin