Back at it

An early start with a keen eye on the skies this morning.

The actual conditions and the forecast not quite matching up, but apart from the unavoidable wet roads all was relatively well as myself, Steve and Graham met at the usual spot and headed off for a now classic #grassupthemiddle breakfast ride.

Dodging overly dedicated commuters, hell bent on self destruction before work! We wound our way along the canal seeking quiet lanes and breakfast, avoiding the TPT due to the rather large amount of rain we’ve had recently (making the trail potentially very muddy) A coffee/pastries stop mid route under the shelter of the motorway provided the usual bike chat, geekery and lots of Charlie Chadwick related discussions. It also afforded the sun a little time to wake up and burn through the clouds.

I’d not been out for a few weeks. Work, weather, family commitments, etc… so it felt good to be out on the old familiar lanes and to catch up with Steve and Graham, enjoying the usual bike talk and blowing off some steam.

It was also Graham’s first real outing with us #grassupthemiddlers and, although we all know each other quite well anyway, it was lovely to finally ‘get a ride in’ together.

Graham was introduced to Ol’pointless, well it would’ve been rude not too! as we meandered through the lanes towards our next stop…

Breakfast number 2 was taken in the regular fashion with a stop at Tattonia for more coffee and sausage themed barmcakes. The standard bike related conversation with a healthy dose of politics and world affairs thrown in for good measure saw us through a pot of tea and then it was time to head home.

Rostherne and a particularly ‘horrible’ lane led us back towards Dunham, with a quick detour up a pointless lane of a different nature, before rejoining the canal for the last stretch.

Happy days!

Words - Paul Rance Pictures - Steve Makin