Completely inappropriate

Bikes that is!


The brief…

Incorporate Clayton Vale MTB trails into an extended urban exploration loop. Once there, the general idea would be to partake in a spot of underbiking, just for the hell of it!

2 Steve’s, an Andy, a Jack, one Graham and myself (Paul) set off nice and early, eager to be heading off for something a bit different this morning. The local trails have been a super resource during the lockdowns we’ve all been under for the past year or so, but it does get a bit boring riding the same routes all the time!

Up the Fallowfield Loop we headed, nice and quiet at this hour. We took in Coffee and snacks (ahem!) at McDonald’s in Debdale in honour of Neil R, sadly not with us on today’s outing (oh how he loves a Macky D’s) ;-)

With a caffeine fix sorted we skirted around the Gorton Reservoir, then up through the delightful Openshaw to join the Ashton Canal. Broken glass and cobblestones tackled without mishap and we were soon at the National Cycling Centre, ready for a bit of Rough Stuff!

To be fair, we only trundled along the ‘Easy Rider’ route, but on bikes not entirely suited to such things it was a fun exercise and not without a small amount of risk! :-)

All in all, a splendid morning!

Please enjoy the rugged glory of our morning in the photographs below…

Words - Paul Rance

Pictures - Steve Makin