Early bird special

Sunday Morning.

An 0700 meeting time on a Sunday morning would probably put the fear of god into most people, but the boss (Steve) hasn’t been around for the last few weeks - see recent blog posts - so when he put the call out I fearlessly signed up! eager to hear tales of his latest adventures.

The benefits of such an early start of course, are the empty roads and lanes, at least for the first few hours of the ride.

It was still dark - and strangely warm for mid October! - when I set off for the meeting spot, joining the early birds to enjoy the peace, quiet and the rarity of a car less main road. The temperature unfortunately meant that I was unable to show off my new woollen plus fours, but it was nice to still be warm enough for shorts and bare legs at this time of the year.

With headlamp beaming, tyres gently humming and drive train satisfactorily whirring in harmony, I dreamily made my way…

It’s always hard to leave a warm bed, especially when it’s a day off from work, but it is totally worth the effort.