Gorillas in the mist

T’was the day after Boxing Day, and a long (ahem, very long) overdue trip to visit Will was finally realised.

The party for the day was 5 strong. Myself and Steve had promised (threatened) to head out to Wills neck of the woods numerous times, and with Graham and Tom making up the numbers it felt good to be fulfilling the promise!

Will lives out Hollingworth way, so a taste of the other side of the TPT (amongst the various other trails) for us. That, hills, reservoirs and some ‘rough stuff’ were to be the order of the day.

A bizarrely warm late December day had the hills shrouded in thick mist, and although denying us panoramic views, it more than made up for it with an eerie atmosphere.

Will provided us with an exceptional route, just enough leg burning/lung busting climbs to keep us all on our toes, and some superb ‘rough stuff’ action.

It was a ‘chuffin marvellous day out!

Here are some photos…

Words - Paul Rance Pictures - Steve Makin & Paul Rance