Home and happy

The journey home from New Zealand wasn’t as bad as I feared, all three ‘Lord of the Rings’ films watched, accompanied by a constant twitching of the legs, jet lag not too harsh.

I was gagging for a ride but I sensibly resisted for a (whole) day, then the opportunity arrived. Paul and Neil had a free morning, both of them arriving at the meeting point with unnerving synchronicity and we were soon pedalling along, swapping stories, catching up, just as though we had been talking only the day before.

It turned out that Neil was nursing a hangover so he was left to his own thoughts, an occasional glance back to check soon saw his grimace turn to a smile, he was happy to be riding.

The lanes are now covered in that vibrant spring green colour, odd contrast from the autumn colours of a few days ago, the familiar route to Tatton Park for sausage butties was the days plan, it was all going so well until I made a few wrong turns, I blame my internal compass still being upside down!

Once again we arrived just as the cafe was opening and not a single carbon Boardman to be seen, food and drink procured (hair of the dog breakfast beer for Neil) chat turned up to eleven, business as usual, as if I’d never been away.

So, some plans have been hatched, our soon to be annual Anglesey ‘un’ meeting (thanks to Jan Heine for the inspiration) has been announced, June 10/11, all welcome. Our Friday night chippy run starts again this coming Friday (meeting at Sale Town Hall for 7pm) again all welcome. Bring lights, chip/beer money and a warm jacket.

There are a few other things warming up also, a full overnight ride through the glorious lanes of Cheshire out to the peak district, a ride out around the favourite trails of our mate Will around his new peak district home amongst the ideas (other ideas for day rides always welcome)

And it looks fairly certain we will be getting some Grassupthemiddle goodies arranged soon, so stay tuned!!!

Finally, keep your eyes peeled for a collaboration with some other people. Can’t say what just yet, but suffice to say there is some excitement amongst the team!

Words & pictures - Steve Makin.