
As far as one can see…

Let’s face it, the world is a mess! Seemingly more than ever.

An absolute bonus of these depressing times however, is the way they can (and do) highlight and magnify the wonder of the world. It’s always there, even in the darkest of times. You just have to stay alert enough to catch it…

This morning presented a golden opportunity to exercise the above theory. I can confirm, it was dutifully grabbed with both hands and shaken for all it was worth!

A ride and catch up with our great friends Shona & Rich from keeppedalling was originally scheduled for today, but has been postponed until the New Year for various reasons. A route had been plotted by our very own Andy K for the day, and with another five riders all fit and (relatively) healthy we though it’d be rude not to get out there and get on with it anyway…

With all that said, it would have been very easy to stay indoors. Although not as cold as it has been (balmy in fact!) it was pretty miserable to start… Damp, misty and dark.

After a tiring year the energy levels are low, add to that the worries and the woes that we all carry around with us and its easy to figure out how motivation can waver.

As is always the case, it was so worth the effort today…

In fact, to take me back to where I started, it was a perfect illustration of the enduring wonder of the world despite the darkness! Andy did us proud with a fantastic route and it felt great to be out riding. I have no idea where we were most of the time?!

If you want a detail filled blog post with full route run down, mileage, etc.. I’m afraid I’m just not that guy. I am very lucky to ride with a revolving bunch of lovely people and doubly lucky that a lot of them are ‘that guy’ :-) People with the requisite brain wiring to plot and take charge, I get to turn up and enjoy theresults!

I’m not completely useless though! I can tell you that we saw a fair bit of the River Irwell and there were a fair few signs mentioning Bury and Bolton. I’m really sorry, but I was too busy enjoying myself to care I’ll be honest :-) Safe to say, Andy is now officially (whether he likes it or not - he loves it!) Route Master general.

I had so much fun this morning, real soul enhancing stuff! Lots of twisty, muddy trails, forgotten canals and railway lines, loads of wildlife, some stunning scenery (big on atmosphere thanks to the mist) and above all, quality time with quality people. It was also one of those rides where I get to feel that my RSF subscription is almost justified ;-)

I’m absolutely pooped as I sit here typing this! In the best possible way…

My knee is sore, so is my calf muscle (boring story!) I’ve got tooth ache, there’s washing up to do, blah - blah…

I’m smiling though because I saw and felt that wonder this morning, I sincerely hope you did too!

Keep those eyes open…

Words and pictures - Paul Rance