The joy of riding after dark

Whilst the quantity of evening rides Steve & I have enjoyed this summer have been relatively few, the quality has been top notch.

It can be difficult to summon the energy to head back out on the bike on a Friday night after a week at work, especially if the week has been a long one!

The reward however, is beyond worth it. Like many trips outside it is very much weather dependent, as the whole ride revolves around the idea of soaking up the last of the days warmth, enjoying some Fish & Chips ‘Al fresco’

Then riding into the sunset…

Evening rides are also the perfect excuse to use our dynamo lights, essential on the quiet unlit lanes of Cheshire.

Stopping in a quiet village on a balmy summer evening for a pint (or two) and a pack of peanuts before closing time is a far more agreeable scenario than the one most people opt for on a Friday night. So much better when you’ve been pedalling too, feels like you’ve earned it!

The atmosphere changes dramatically as the sun goes down, and even the most familiar of roads and lanes take on an otherworldly feel. The sense of adventure is heightened as the creatures of the daylight hours bed down for the night and make way for their nocturnal cousins. Bats, owls, hedgehogs and badgers have all been the most delightful sights on our outings this year and we’ve laughed (after the fact) at the memory of both being spooked, quite significantly, at the sound of foxes screeching in the dark!