A Solstice SO24 Ride Fail Report

Steve’s suggestion of a solstice ride was a perfect opportunity to step up and contribute with some route planning and detailing. I had previous with the Roaches, having taken nine fellows out there to celebrate my 55th birthday a couple of years back. It had to be the perfect setting for an epic sunset and the more important sunrise, being south-facing and, with the current British heatwave, all was set fair.

Meeting at the Sale paper elephant, I came over all flustered on being presented with my enamel GUTM badge. Soon we were pounding out of the urban landscape, passing the airport’s chaotic roadworks through to the first substantial greenery - routing through the Carrs park on Wilmslow’s borders. A French-style coffee house served up decent coffee and pastries in the 27 degree-and-rising sunshine, then we were back at it towards Macclesfield for lunch.

Passing through Prestbury, we couldn’t resist looking into the new centre-of-all-cycling-as-we-know-it. Rumour has it that Prestbury will soon be the go-to destination for the discerning randonneur!

A chance meeting with local bike mechanic Logchopper Paul and his mutt meant we shared sandwiches in his vast spannering space amongst the myriad ‘proper’ workshops of Macclesfield, walls bedecked with retro Saracens and other obscure brands. It was here I first noticed how hot the day was really getting, being still was way worse than actually riding, so briskly away we went towards the first planned highlight of the microtour - Wincle Brewery.

Sure enough, the smell of freshly cut grass mingled with unmistakable brewing odours - a wave of hoppiness (sic) came over us, as we examined our tempting draught options. Outside the locals quizzed our journey as we basked and bevied in 32 degree sunshine.

The last leg to the Roaches was dumbly extended by not being able to read the map on the phone screen in the brightness. Another increasingly long tramp upwards, which then became a push’n’grimace as the 1657’ summit of the Roaches hove into view - a delicious stretch of grass up the middle was the visual icing on top.