Short and sweet

I should have been in the Lake’s this weekend!

A loaner bike that didn’t quite work out, a bit of confusion, an annoying cold that refuses to bugger off and an inconsistent mood led me to the decision to pass this time around.

It was the right call, and there’s always next year…

What did I do instead? Well… It was my Birthday yesterday (Saturday), and a relaxed day with family was perfect. Some lovely pressies (books) and a nice lunch, happy days! I don’t really get excited about ‘my day’ anymore, but it’s nice to have the people you love make a fuss.

We’ve been having some glorious weather recently, and with the forecast set to fine, I ventured out this afternoon (Sunday) for a solo pootle down the trail and into the sun. I didn’t go far, I didn’t really need to.

The idea, as ever, was to simply go for a ride. The wind was light, the trail dusty and the tyres on my old MTB hummed along beautifully.

30 minutes dozing in the sunshine felt like a wonderful luxury and was more than enough for a battery recharge.

I had the added bonus of bumping into some old friends on the return journey, totally unexpected and seemingly timed to perfection.

You see, I went out specifically to be on my own today and after having got what I came for I was provided with company! Funny how life seems to work out like that some times.

So… I didn’t get to go on the #JENNRIDE, but I’ll enjoy hearing all about it from Steve tomorrow and next year I’ll sort the bike well in advance, hopefully I’ll be fighting fit too! Plus, the whole Summer is ahead of us and will provide plenty of opportunities I’m sure :-)

Words & pictures - Paul Rance