Simple pleasures

After ten weeks of lockdown, isolating in my apt due to Type 1 Diabetes and following govt advice, I began venturing out on my bike again…

The first ten weeks were pretty good to be fair. I got into routines and I was riding the bike twice a day (indoors). The routine proved invaluable and gave me something to focus on with the aim of getting fitter and losing weight. As I got used to riding on rollers again, and began to relax, I was able to watch documentaries, films, sport and listen to podcasts. It was cycling but not as I knew it before. It was what it was, and I got on with it. To be honest, I enjoyed it and I began to achieve my goals of weight loss and improved fitness.

It’s so good to be back outside again, riding on my own initially, exploring tracks and country lanes, brewing up and chilling out. No agenda, no specified route, no time barriers. Cycling on my own allows me time to think and observe what’s around me.

Lockdown has diminished my capacity to concentrate to that of a gnat, but the bike seems to calm my mind. It’s when creativity and ideas come to me as well, bubbling up from the unconscious when I’m not thinking about anything in particular. The Carradice saddle bag has been a revelation (Thanks Paul!) it allows me to stay out all day, storing plenty of food, a book, headphones, wet gear and my brew kit.

I love the ceremony of making a brew. Makes me feel like Ray Mears, surviving the wild, one cuppa at a time! Lighting the stove, waiting for it to boil, letting it brew, drinking. Such a simple pleasure, but one that gives huge enjoyment.

As much as I enjoy riding solo, I love the socially distanced riding with fellow Grassupthemiddlers. Sharing stories, moans, frustrations, laughs and getting back to enjoying what is such a simple pleasure, it is a huge joy.

Simply riding our bikes…

I’m sure we’ve all taken for granted the simple things before lockdown, I know I did! I’m truly grateful to be outside, with great people, riding my bike again. A real tonic, both mentally and physically.

Long may it continue!

Words - Kev House Pictures - Steve Makin & Kev House