Something's brewing

How’s everybody doing out there?

For a variety of reasons we’ve been a bit quiet over last few months, but we haven’t been idle!

Without mentioning the obvious, there has been plenty going on to keep us all occupied with things ‘non cycling’ related recently.

Something that Steve and I have been talking about for a long time is producing some more #grassupthemiddlecc goodies… Our world famous stickers are always available! And as some of you may/or not know, we did a run of enamel badges a while ago and they turned out brilliantly.

With the current lockdown still in place we’ve been afforded the time to ponder, procrastinate, and hatch a plan for something equally lovely.

It will likely be a few months to get it all sorted, but you can expect to see some fabulous #grassupthemiddlecc patches in the near future! Charlie’s fantastic design should look a treat…

We’ll let everybody know on here and on our Instagram account when they’re available and, most importantly, how to get your hands on one!

That’ll give you all something to look forward too! ;-)

Regards - Paul & Steve (and the extended #GUTM gang)