Sub twenty four hour overnighter (S24O)

It’s been over a year since I last slept under the stars and I had an overwhelming desire to get back to it, the fact that the weather forecast was looking amazing helped.

So I packed light, then repacked even lighter, just a bivvy bag, a sleeping mat, a pillow and a quilt, spare socks (because) a good book, stove for coffee and my camera and I was off.

I’ve been looking at route along the coast to one of the nicer areas of Morecambe Bay for a few years now, it seemed that this would be the perfect opportunity, heading out across land reclaimed from the sea seemed a good start, with some ‘primo’ #grassupthemiddle till I hit the coastal path. The good weather of late had made this trail hard packed, a pleasure to ride along when its normally boggy, the free falling parachutists caught my attention for a few minutes at the big chair.

Its been odd that I’ve only been to the big chair on my own so far this year, its usually full of hairy (and not so hairy) legs, a quick slug of water and off again, the next bit of path I generally miss out as its not strictly somewhere bikes should go but today there was no one around, the trails were in perfect condition so I went for it, only the bemused cows for company.

Another bench (mark) was reached and now on legal ground again I made my way to Lancaster via a fried breakfast and a pot of tea, soon enough between the two bridges I stopped and watched for the otter I’d seen a few days earlier, no luck today.

Sunderland Point came into view, the ride across the causeway is a favourite and I rode slowly to savour it, the large number of Curlews surprised me, their distinctive call always a pleasure.

I headed towards the Horizon Line Chamber, a (newish) piece of land art by Chris Drury.

Ten minutes inside the camera obscura allowed my eyes to adjust to the projected image, even though its upside down its still captivating, the building itself is a beautiful thing, the local stonemason Andrew Mason had done the area proud with his skilful work.

From here it was now along the beach, hugging the shoreline to Middelton Sands then onto the promenade at Morecambe…