The changing of the seasons in Cheshire

Its early September and its happening already, once again the summer failed to really get going, the odd couple of days of warmth but rarely hitting those balmy evenings that we so desire.

Lots of good riding happened (despite failing to get away for our ‘un meeting ’ ) over the summer month, new lanes found and explored, more inspirational reading from Mr Chadwick, overall a solid seven out of ten from me.

But (and yes I know to never start a sentence with but) but now its changing, autumn is on its way, the nights are drawing in quickly, the leaves are turning, the cool air returning, almost time for full finger gloves. Today started with darkness and heavy rain, suitable for a date thats not a family favourite, the house hold was sober, the continuing rain not helping. About eleven oclock it stopped and the sun came out, I seized the opportunity to get out doors for a few hours and headed down the canal.

Big puddles everywhere, I was grateful for my mudguards, not many people about either which suited my mood, the Trans Pennine Trail was surprisingly dry, the green still being sucked out of the ground into the trees with just tinges of gold and auburn at the edges. Stopping to take in the enormous clouds I was delighted to find a bench tucked away from the passing traffic, a pleasant ten minutes soaking in the heat from the sun before cloud cover plummeted the temperature and I was away again.

Heading west to the canal side bench for another ten minutes heat soak before giving up my seat to some ramblers, I then pressed on, riding up the tickler with pointless lane being my aim for today, arriving another twenty minutes later and I was not disappointed.

Again the greens remained magnificent with just hints of change on the edges, I now set off home happy with my lot, passing over the Bollin towards Dunham and my eye was drawn to a fully loaded conker tree, it was sagging under the weight of its fruit, just waiting for the wind to help unload, but I was rather sad to see that this particular specimen does appear to have the ‘bleeding canker’ blight that is starting to affect our horse chestnut trees.

Words and pictures - Steve Makin.