The holiest of grails

The Chippy ride!

So often discussed/planned/dreamed about, so often unrealised :-(

The variables, sadly, can at times be too plentiful to make things happen. A tough day at work, the dreaded weather, plus a myriad of other minor obstacles can hamper even the best laid plan!

Well, last night the planets finally aligned.

Myself, Steve, Rod & Kev (intrepid chip shop enthusiasts one and all) set off for the place where chippy ride dreams come true. The Wing Wah Delight!!!

Always a pleasure, and always super quality grub. Unbelievably, this was the gangs first visit for 2020! With any luck we’ll manage a few more evening trips over the coming weeks to make up for the long break :-)

As if the evening wasn’t special occasion enough.

It was new bike day for Steve! A fitting ‘christening’ for his new (very snazzy) Midnight Special!

With our respective meals procured and safely stowed away we did the only sensible thing.

We headed for ‘The Bench’ of course.

Ignore him ;-)

Such a splendid way to blow off the cobwebs of the day this. Especially when you manage to catch a window of calm(ish) weather amidst a changeable forecast. The trails were a little on the sticky side after the rain of the last few days, but mudguards and a ‘conditions be damned’ attitude are more than adequate to handle such piffling trifles.

It’s only a quick spin up the Trans Pennine Trail to our favourite spot (#grassupthemiddle HQ) so the chips were still piping hot as we all tucked in with gusto. With a calm sky, birdsong and a beautiful Cheshire countryside view our evening meal was absolutely perfect. Just what the Doctor ordered, all washed down with a nice can of pop.

Sated, we fell into the usual ‘bench banter’ and after putting the world to rights, and a fair few giggles, it was time to head home.

Excellent company, excellent food.

Even a late (rare) puncture for yours truly didn’t dampen the enjoyment! A puncture is always a tiresome thing to sort, but made infinitely less tedious when you are with good friends.

All in all, a very successful evening!

Words and pictures - Paul Rance