Reflections on a solo Sunday

With people either not in Manchester, knackered from work or otherwise engaged and the dull, drizzly, utterly miserable weather this morning it was too easy to not ride!

Rather than feel glum - as I usually do when I let the rain stop me from getting out - I busied myself with household chores, managed to finish a book its taken me way too long to finish and generally got on with enjoying a lazy Sunday. All whilst intermittently helping/entertaining my little boy, as Mum was out doing the shopping and having some much needed time to herself.

In typical Mancunian fashion, the rain finally died off and the afternoon sun came out to play. A quick check of the forecast and the rest of the day looked rather promising. Maybe I would get to ride today after all! With the little one and Mum settled and happy I set off for a few hours…

With no real plan, other than the canal as a starting point, I ended up enjoying a wonderful solo ride. It’s great to ride with friends - I still would have preferred our usual breakfast run! - but after a disappointing start to the day it was perfect to get out and have some head space.

Totally lost in my own little world, 4 hours went dreamily by and the drizzly gloom of the morning was long forgotten.

Happy days.

Words & pictures - Paul Rance.