
Been a while since my last ride, time spent mostly sat down looking out of window at an incredible landscape and wishing I was out there on my bike…

Anyway, that ended and today I got a ride in, only a couple of hours but still it felt good to get my stiff joints moving again, the first twenty minutes were a painful reminder of all those injuries I’ve done to myself over the years but after that everything started to settle down and become fluid again.

Down the canal into town, being pushed by the wind, looking for coffee, avoiding cars, splashing through puddles and seeing a kingfisher in the most unlikely of places, up to the quays, all the cafes heaving with people, I forgot it was lunchtime so headed back home, cheese and ham with a big mug of tea put everything in the world right again.

Chain wiped down and lubed, lights recharged, bottle refilled, ready for coffee camp in the morning and then more of the same.

Words & pictures - Steve Makin.