Virtual GUTM Zine

Some time last Summer (remember that!) Steve and I asked our good friend and all around computer whizz Paul Davy - @cycletogs to help us make a zine, just for fun…

Paul did us proud and as expected, he created what we think is a lovely ode to our humble, fictitious club ;-)

The original intention was to get some printed up and distribute them to friends and potentially offer them up for sale to our followers on here and on Instagram.

The cost of printing (to a suitable standard) proved to be shockingly expensive! We weren’t daft enough enough to suppose it would be peanuts, but we certainly didn’t expect it to be so high…

Alas, the project was shelved…

Steve messaged me last night about posting the zine up here so people could at least see it. I’d all but forgotten about it I’ll be completely honest! Flicking back through it whilst prepping this post last night and this morning has reminded me what a damn fine job Paul did for us.

Such a shame…

Maybe in the future we can get something sorted in the physical realm. I think we should definitely try.

In the meantime you can at least peruse this first digital version instead.

Huge thanks to Paul, again. :-)

Merry Christmas to you all!

From me, Steve and the rest of the #grassupthemiddle gang. :-)