Winter miles, and how to avoid them

Some much needed time with friends, idle chit-chat and a hearty breakfast. These are the things that count!

This mornings crew: Myself, Steve & Charlie. We’re bike riders and bike nerds!

Bikes play a major role in all of our lives, but those lives are full ones and a busy life mixed with Winter can mean few opportunities (and reduced motivation) to get out on the bike. The long mornings in the sunshine, and mostly weekly outings during the Spring and Summer have given way (for most of us) to sporadic riding and commuting miles only.

On days like this the bike becomes mode of transport above all else. Rather than the focus, it plays an equal part in a well balanced morning.

Did we cover many miles today?


Is that a problem?

Absolutely not.

Did we have a cracking breakfast, a good laugh and just as much fun as we always do?


I look forward to 2017, and hopefully another Summer packed with riding and adventure, but for now I’ll settle for hibernation and the odd outing here and there. Riding, friendship and exploration don’t need to be ‘epic’ to be enjoyed!

Words - Paul Rance. Pictures - Paul Rance & Steve Makin.